Heart vs. Humbug Page 25
“Why did you buy the land, Brett?” she asked against his ear.
“Because if anyone else owned this land—even Nancy—I would have had to have turned you in for planting that Indian pictograph on it and interfering with their legal right to develop it.”
“You found a legal way to protect me. But you had to sell your beautiful blue white diamond to buy all this property, didn’t you?”
He drew back to look deep into her eyes, and smiled. “Yes, but I found another midnight magic sparkle I value more. By owning the land, I’m the only one financially disadvantaged, and I can choose not to press charges.”
“I’m so glad you’re letting this lawbreaker get away.”
He held her to him closely, breast to breast. “No, Octavia, I’m not letting you get away. I’ll be right next to you for the rest of your life to make sure you go straight from now on. Believe it.”
There was no arguing with the warm, liquid silver in those eyes. Octavia’s heart swelled inside her chest as she wove her arms around his waist.
“It’s a sentence I’ll be happy to serve. I love you, my Magician.”
“And I love you, my multifaceted and flawless beauty. Although it did take a roof falling in on me to finally realize it. I have no idea what the future will bring. But with you by my side, I suddenly can’t wait to find out.”
“What are you going to do with the rest of the land?”
A humorous smile circled back his lips. “I could always build a museum for native American artifacts on it, I suppose.”
She laughed in his arms—that wonderful, musical laugh that vibrated in his bones and sent his pulse to soaring.
As they came together in a joyous kiss, they could hear the seniors’ muted voices rising in a favorite holiday tune. We wish you a Merry Christmas, they sang, and a Happy New Year.
ISBN: 978-1-4592-8393-0
Heart vs. Humbug
Copyright © 1995 by Mary Johnson
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